What I’ve Learnt In Marching Test

June 7th, 2016

I always thought marching was fun ever since I first learn how to march. Before we learn marching, the bond between us form mates were loose. Some form mates have made friends and get along with others, but not all of the form mates. So, between us form mates will have some gangs. But when we started to learn marching, we started to get along with every form mates. When marching test approaches, we get more and more tense and we talk to each other more about standardizing marching test or somethings like these. After marching test, the bond between us form mates are tighter than before. Marching test strengthens our friendship between us form mates. We are supposed to learn the basic thing when marching, that is our cooperation together and our teamwork, and because of that, we get along with each other even more and spend our free times at school together.

When we are practicing marching, we give it our all in marching. We have to wake up early to come to school to practice marching so we will not disappoint seniors, but we never thought that we can’t even reach the standard of passing the marching test. The reason is because our marching is not perfect enough to reach the standard and some of us lack of stamina, but even so, even we give our all, it is still not enough to lift the disappointed looks on seniors’ faces. We know seniors get mad at us and teach us harshly so we can sharpen our marching technics, and because seniors want to help us all to pass marching test. Even though seniors were tired, you guys still come and teach us no matter what condition you are in.

At the day of the marching test, us form mates sure did wake up early, but seniors need to wake up earlier than us. Seniors need to help us form mates buy breakfast, prepare gels, combs, pins, safety pins, and even help us to iron our uniforms. Seniors helped us this much, and us form mates pay you guys by doing our best in marching test and pass it. Seniors have done so much to us and even helped us till some of you guys fall sick. We really appreciate seniors’ kindness and helpfulness. We hope we can pass marching test, do our best and be a united form. We will keep on doing our best. Thank you seniors, for everything.

F2 prefect


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